From Legacy to Agility – Identification and Retirement of Applications During Migration

A legacy can be difficult to let go of and knowing how overwhelming it can be, we come bearing our second blog from the agility series to help make this transition easier for you. Featuring the best practices for application retirement in the AWS cloud migration, this blog addresses them all.

Undoubtedly, retiring an old-school legacy application is complex and challenging. But nothing is impossible! By following some of the best practices recommended by experts, you can efficiently and smartly move from the legacy system and join the agility club.

Picking up right where we left off last time, in the previous part, we discussed considering the migration factory approach. If you haven’t read it yet Read it here Series Part 1: Considering Migration Factory Approach before joining the dots with this part! This will be a six parts series, so buckle up and move towards the second most crucial phase of AWS cloud migration.

Series Part 2: Identification and Retirement of Applications During Migration

Today, many savvy businesses are moving to the cloud. With increasing digital demand, remote working, and scalability issues, it’s no surprise that companies are embracing the benefits of AWS cloud computing.

That being said, it’s crucial to approach cloud migration with care. While cloud computing is a smart strategy in today’s global climate, it’s essential to understand the legacy system and identify areas for improvement before making the transition. Retiring outdated systems gracefully is also necessary to fully utilize the power of AWS cloud computing. So, whether you’re a business owner, seller, or marketer, do your due diligence and take advantage of this incredible technology, intellectually!

Challenges of Cloud Computing

AWS cloud migration comes with its set of adjustments and other challenges. There are numerous challenges that can hinder performance. However, enterprises can overcome these challenges while working smartly and mitigating the risks. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

  • Security

Cloud security is a global concern that affects cloud adoption. Businesses are worried about the uncertain security infrastructure of cloud computing, which poses significant risks due to the unclear location of data processing and storage.

  • Governance

Proper governance is crucial when using cloud computing to avoid misalignment of goals and issues with compliance, data quality checks, and risk management that can hinder organizations from achieving their objectives.

  • Management of Multi-Cloud

Managing multi-cloud is challenging due to architectural complexity, disaster recovery planning, rising costs, and security policy management.

  • Lack of Expertise

Cloud technology advancements are making it difficult for businesses to keep up and fully utilize the tools. The demand for expertise in cloud computing is growing, however, trained professionals availability needs to be addressed, and finding the right tool is now essential more than ever!

But there are solutions to these challenges as well. Read, the “Challenging Cloud Computing Risks Restraining Businesses from Adoption” blog post to find out the answers!

Beginning the Adventures of AWS Cloud Migration

Cloud computing is rising in popularity due to its impressive ability to assist businesses in creating scalable, cost-effective, and efficient applications while ensuring safety. Moreover, the cloud offers a flexible infrastructure that allows enterprises to smoothly manage their applications and leverage various services.

Before we move ahead, let’s look at the benefits of Migration to the Cloud.

Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

With the right AWS cloud migration partner, organizations can tap into the full potential of Cloud Computing and enjoy numerous benefits, including:

  • Cost Reduction

Businesses can cut costs significantly by using AWS cloud migration.

A study by The Hackett Group found that migration to AWS can result in:

43% reduction in time to market for new features,

69% decrease in unplanned downtime,

20% cost savings on technology infrastructure,

52% reduction in TCO experienced by General Electric

29% increase in staff focus on innovation.

  • Exceptional Scalability

AWS enables flexible and seamless scaling for businesses to meet market demands and expand their cloud environment.

  • ML and IoT Integration

While leveraging the power of AWS, SMEs, and enterprises can integrate AI, machine learning, and IoT networks with flexibility to overcome challenges like data access, security, and scalability.

  • Productivity & Agility

Software engineering techniques with AWS increase productivity, leading to annual delivery growth, less downtime, and staff productivity increase.

For a more detailed read on the benefits of cloud, check out our blog post, “Unlock the Benefits of Cloud Computing.”

The Magic of AWS Cloud Migration

We have covered the basics! From discussing the benefits of migrating to the cloud to the challenges, it poses for modern businesses. It’s time to explore the real magic of AWS cloud computing. And, with that, let’s find out how to detect and bid farewell to legacy applications.

Now here is a deal! Picture yourself on a fascinating adventure in the cloud, a world of unlimited opportunities and incredible strength. This is precisely what AWS provides: the power to utilize the cloud’s full potential and overcome the constraints of on-premises software. However, before we can take off and spread our cloud wings, we must carefully pack our bags.

Step # 1: Beginning the Identifying Journey

Embarking on a migration journey can seem daunting, but it’s not frightening, trust us! We’ve got some tips to make the process a breeze. The first and foremost step is to take a closer look at your current IT landscape and identify the applications that have been the most dependable companions through thick and thin.

We all indeed have those “old friends” that have remained a solid rock throughout the challenging phase, and it’s essential to recognize their value.

To make the assessment process a little easier, we recommend creating a detailed inventory of your applications and categorizing them into three groups:

  1. Treasures to Keep: These applications are the most valued jewels of your cloud environment. They did and still do bring immense value to your operations, making the process more manageable every day. This means these priceless applications are the ones that deserve a prominent place in your new cloud environment.
  2. Modest Companions: These applications have potential but may need extra care and trimming to fit seamlessly into your new AWS migration strategy. They have the possibility to become invaluable assets with a cloud facelift, optimization, or right sizing.
  3. Relics of the Past: These applications have served their purpose, and it’s time to gracefully bid them farewell. Of course, they are not a burden, as they helped you in darker times. But now, the infrastructure can stand tall without them in your environment. Don’t let them hinder your progress any longer!

By taking a thoughtful approach to assessing your applications, you’ll be well on your way to a successful migration journey. With a positive attitude and a little effort, you’ll soon enjoy the benefits of a streamlined cloud environment.

Step # 2: The Farewell Dance

Parting ways is always challenging. Now, whether it’s from an old habit or an old application. The duration of your routine association with makes it all the more difficult. However, change is inevitable, and embracing it is crucial to success in the ever-evolving cloud landscape.

Instead of wallowing in separation anxiety, the best way to go about letting go of this formidable alliance is in the act of celebration. This can also present itself as n excellent opportunity to acknowledge their contributions and cherish their legacy. This simple yet meaningful gesture can help your team transition to the new era of cloud computing with enthusiasm and positivity. For a smooth transition, you can seek professional help from AWS cloud migration partners as well.

Remember, change can be challenging but also presents new opportunities for growth and innovation. So, let’s bid adieu to the old and welcome the new with open arms!

Step # 3: Embrace the Power of AWS

So far, you have shed some unnecessary weight and streamlined your system! Now it’s time to unleash the full power of AWS and unlock your true potential. AWS is the perfect platform to explore innovative ideas without hardware limitations, thanks to its incredible services, scalability, and elasticity. Streamline your AWS migration strategy and devise a plan to start.

The possibilities are endless with AWS’s impressive range of offerings, including cutting-edge AI/ML capabilities, Big Data analytics, and serverless computing. By clearing out outdated applications, you have opened up a world of cloud space to experiment and soar to new heights. Let AWS be your guiding torch and make migrating to the cloud journey more convenient!

Step # 4: Innovate and Create

You have finally identified and retired old legacy systems and embraced a more agile AWS environment! It’s time to embark on an exhilarating journey full of innovation and creativity. The technical heads and decision-makers are responsible for allowing their team to explore new, unconventional ways of thinking and fearlessly experiment to develop unique, impactful solutions.

With innovation as the driving force and creativity as the compass, you can make a lasting impression. Let’s dive in and make the most of this exciting opportunity! AWS cloud migration will indeed prove as a fruitful choice for your business.

Embrace the Future and Welcome Tech Revolution

The moment has passed and you have come through as a remarkable and adventurous cloud enthusiast! The decision to identify and retire applications early in your AWS cloud migration has opened the door to a world of possibilities. Remember, this migration is more than just data transfer; it’s a chance to shift your organization’s thinking, unlock innovation, and embrace a limitless future.

As you move forward, reflect on the apps that brought you here, the ones you’ve left behind, and the new ones that will shape your path ahead. Embrace the power of AWS cloud computing to ignite your love for technology, and join forces with AWS cloud migration partners like NETSOL to conquer the cloud!

With each step, NETSOL will help you discover new and exciting opportunities for growth and success. As a business, remain confident, stay enthusiastic, and keep pushing forward. The future is bright, and with the assistance of our specialists, you will be on your way to unlocking AWS’s full potential. Contact us today to schedule a meeting with our AWS expert!

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