Achieving Customer-Centricity with Digital Transformation in Modern Times

Most businesses are equipping themselves to transform into digital-first businesses in the next five years as they ride the new wave of the digital revolution. Globally, 87% of organizations see digital transformation as a competitive advantage rather than a requirement for customer service. Thus, technology and results take center stage in most customer digital transformation.

However, the customer-centricity approach has been a critical motivator in all transformational initiatives. These days, information is the commodity, the Internet is the supply chain, and the cloud is the storehouse. Since, live in a hyper-connected world, the conventional product-centric approach must make way for one that emphasizes the consumer more strongly. Digitization will usher in a period of more advanced techniques for innovation, engagement, and adding value for the customer.

This blog reveals everything you need to know to brighten your consumers’ faces permanently. Read on:

What Does Customer Centric Mean?

The client is prioritized and put at the center of your business operations using the customer-centricity approach. The objective is to provide rewarding experiences and create enduring connections.

What is The Impact of Customer Centricity?

Now that we have the definition of “customer centricity,” let’s dive deeper with gains revolving around a customer centered approach. A corporate strategy known as “customer centricity” places the client’s requirements at the forefront. The company is working to restructure itself to improve client experience, loyalty, and lead generation. A customer centered approach can have beneficial effects that spur the rapid expansion of a company. Key benefits of customer centricity are:

1- Reduced Cost of Services

Businesses will lower their service cost and boost customer satisfaction if they ensure their consumers have a smooth setup and comprehend a new purchase or contract.

2- Increased Retention Rates

The rate of retention is raised with the implementation of the customer-centricity approach. Regarding modern retail operations, customer retention should be the main priority rather than customer acquisition. After all, it costs five times as much to get new consumers as it does to keep the ones you already have. Your clients will repeatedly frequent your business if you emphasize your experiences. Not only is it cheaper  to retain current clients, but these clients also frequently spend more than one-time clients, roughly 67% more.

3- Facilitated s Business Expansion

Customer centricity encourages company expansion. By digitizing customer experience, you’ll better understand your customer’s needs and the role you need to play to promote retention when you adopt a more customer-centric mindset.

4- Boosted Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction may rise due to a customer-centric business approach, another possible advantage. Customer-centricity aims to learn the patterns of what customers enjoy and dislike so that products and services can be tailored to meet their demands better and remove irritants.

5- Increased Revenue

Customers are more likely to spend more money with a business when they receive better service. Customer-centricity aids in boosting revenues and earnings.

People at The Heart of Transformation

Customer experience and digital transformation should always put people first. A company’s dedication is reflected in the longevity of their client relationships. Who will do it and why if you offer skills, procedures, culture, alignment, financing, and organizational structure? Change management is a vital component of digital customer transformation, and it can only be put into practice by those who are flexible. The question of who will operate the best technology and software still needs to be answered. How are they going to uphold standards? Do they have the necessary abilities? There may be many participants in change management, including those with a history of participation, some new players, and some who are averse to change.

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Digital Transformation Journey

What is driving digital transformation? To assist you in mapping out your future, here are the five stages of customer-centered company and digital transformation.

1- Customer Centric Culture

For businesses to succeed with the customer-centric model, cultivating a customer-centric culture is essential. According to Deloitte  & Touche’s research, companies prioritizing their customers are 60% more lucrative than those that don’t. Making an organization focused on its customers’ needs is essential due to the market’s intense competition and saturation. Consumer power should be considered since clients can tend to feel unappreciated; they will feel unheard and will likely seek out other business options.  Developing a customer-centric culture in your industry is therefore valuable.

2- Automation of Process

The customer-centric digital transformation requires process automation. The entire organization will benefit from a more effective workflow when automation is implemented and socialized, not just IT. The key to a successful digital transition is automating routine activities. Start looking into a straightforward process automation solution immediately if your company still needs one.

By giving your consumers easy access to information when they need it, automation guarantees a positive customer experience.

3- Enabling Innovation

To enable innovation, one must establish a secure setting where individuals with various backgrounds and viewpoints can mingle, have fun, and generate ground-breaking concepts. For a customer-centricity example, each quarter, you could hold a meeting in the style of Think Tank, where attendees split off into groups to brainstorm and then return to propose an original idea. It is a fun team-building activity that enables groups to compete and present authentically.

4- AI-driven Digital Transformation

Artificial intelligence will continue to grow as a disruptive and revolutionary force in the corporate world. Any company that wants to survive and prosper in the age of intelligent technology must transform into an AI-driven enterprise and incorporate more real-time intelligence into all facets of its core workings, customer needs, and impacts, and competitive and cooperative forces in the ecosystem it operates.

For more: read about Three Ways AI Can Enhance the Customer Experience.

5- Delivering Value

Connect all the touchpoints that collectively make up your customer lifecycle. Digitizing Customer experience is flexible and thrives on collaboration; it is not rigid. Bring various teams together to create a shared understanding of customer success. It offers your company a sense of direction as it embarks on a long journey to provide value to its clients.

To understand the benefits in comparison to the price, create price-value maps. Additionally, these should be constructed from the perspective of your customer. Addressing questions that center around client gains is a crucial part of the process.  Value pricing is a pivotal part of the marketing ecosystem, but marketers frequently need assistance understanding it from the customer’s perspective.


  • According to a Deloitte analysis, customer-centric businesses are 60% more profitable than those without them.
  • Additionally, 64% of businesses with a customer-focused CEO outperform their competitors handily in terms of profitability.NOTE: Apple has repeatedly proved that customers don’t buy it for the lower price; they do it for the experience.

That’s a Wrap!

Digital change has incredible power. However, for brands to fully utilize it, it must be integrated with digital customer expectations. The transformation process requires a common viewpoint. It necessitates multiple teams concurrently working on the same idea. Recognizing that digital transformation is a sum of parts with integration and customer centricity at its core is a good start when thinking about what it means for a business.

For further information, we have covered  this move in other blogs, which you can access on our website. If you’re looking to make the customer the apple of your eye, get in touch with us to learn more about your digital transformation journey and  set up a meeting with one of our specialists at NETSOL for a free consultation.

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