Is Enterprise Mobility Management an Effective Solution for Businesses?

Each company implements Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) in its own unique way. In reality, most mobile app development businesses tailor EMM solutions while considering their specific requirements and pain issues.

We shouldn’t be surprised that a strategy that benefits one firm may backfire on another. Enterprise mobility management comprises of mobile enterprise solutions and services that protect an organization’s intellectual assets, processes that safeguard sensitive data, and technologies that interface with various IT platforms, providing excellent comfort for businesses. 


The EMM market reached a phenomenal size of $5.79 billion in 2020. By 2026, the value is expected to cross $11.96 billion.

– Mordor Intelligence 


Modern organizations are thriving due to exceptional enterprise mobility solutions for businessesMordor Intelligence confirmed that by 2020, corporate mobility management had amassed a market size of $5.79 billion. By 2026, its value is expected to reach $11.96 billion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.84%. 

What is Enterprise Mobility Management? 

Nowadays, where mobile devices are the most popular tool in the workplace, EMM is rapidly becoming a need. Modern smartphones and tablets have improved to the point that they are well suited for many professional purposes. Workers may take advantage of this flexibility by working whenever and wherever they choose.

If not handled appropriately, however, they threaten the confidentiality of sensitive firm information and the integrity of its networks. Thus, businesses want enterprise mobility services that enable IT departments to control mobile gadgets operating on many systems, like iOS, Android, and Windows. 

EMM solutions provide IT departments with a suite of features and capabilities to keep mobile devices under close surveillance and management. EMM is for managing mobile devices, applications, content, and identities that can be found in typical enterprise mobility infrastructure solutions. Thanks to the characteristics of portability and security services, employees may use any device from anywhere to access the company’s apps, tools, and data. 

How do Enterprise Mobility Infrastructure Solutions Work? 

Organizations utilize enterprise mobility solutions to keep tabs on business-critical applications and information stored on employees’ personal mobile devices. Business data and personnel information are significantly safer due to these solutions. 

Enterprise mobility solutions for businesses allow for the streamlined, mass enrollment of devices both off-site and on-site. As a result of this, time, effort, and money usually spent on individual sign-ups for each user are all eliminated. 

Companies can use EMM technologies to notify workers through SMS or email when it is time to join the enterprise mobility management program. Remotely enforcing security regulations, tweaking device settings, and wiping work-related data and apps are all possible with the help of an EMM solution. 

Professionals in smartphone app development specialize in mobile enterprise solutions. Through it, they may build various tools that assist businesses in keeping up with market expectations. 

How is Enterprise Mobility Management an Effective Solution for Businesses? 

It’s crucial to discuss business mobility examples for a better understanding and how EMM is adequate for modern organizations. 

  • Mobile Chain as Mindset

     Organizations are paying more attention to the rise in smartphone usage. In the mindset’s relentless expansion, there is no indication of it slowing or stopping down. 

  • Implement Reasonable Limits on Electronic Devices 

    Enterprise Mobility Management is helpful for businesses since it enables workers to utilize their preferred devices. It maintains centralized command throughout the process flow. Anyone who breaks the rules will be identified, and they will be fired immediately. 

  • Facilitates Efficiency of IT Department 

    Among many benefits of enterprise mobility, facilitation to the IT department is superior for many businesses. It consolidates several offerings onto a unified system. EMM is a great way to keep the team in sync, enabling monitoring of an application’s usage and security. 

  • Offers Adaptability for Cloud-Based Services 

    The use of cloud computing has the potential to usher about radical shifts in the market. By providing services via the cloud, EMM benefits both workers and companies. The modern workplace makes it simple for workers to perform their duties remotely. If your service involves traveling to several locations, cloud solutions may follow you wherever you go. 

Importance of EMM 

Cybercrime is a significant risk for the corporate world. To mitigate the dangers posed to a company by employees working remotely, EMM plays a substantial role in safeguarding the process. 

  • Device Security: Cybersecurity risks grow exponentially as more and more devices are connected to a company’s network. Thus, every device must be adequately protected. Every piece of hardware added to an organization’s network is another entry point for hackers to penetrate the system. 
In 2021, nearly 54% of the enterprises suffered from the mobile-related security breach.

– Verizon Mobile Security Index 2021 Report 


As per the Verizon Mobile Security Index 2021 Report, 54% of organizations that suffered from mobile-related security breaches attributed the breaches to falling into a phishing attack, downloading unapproved applications, or making inadvertent errors. 

By employing enterprise mobility infrastructure solutions, businesses may check that workers have installed an endpoint security solution on their devices before adding it to the BYOD registry or using it at work. By deploying EMM solutions, a company can see whether a device has slipped into the wrong hands or not. It also restricts access to only authorized devices. 

  • Data Security: Malicious actors might access a company’s network through a stolen or misplaced mobile device. Passwords kept on devices become more vulnerable to theft, and there is a greater chance of data theft from the phone itself. If an employee misplaces their work device, the IT department may utilize an EMM solution to delete all company data remotely and use location tools to track it down. 

Getting Started with EMM 

Businesses may increase their productivity with the help of enterprise mobility applications since they streamline operations across all of the business’s mobile devices, software, and procedures. Companies are realizing and embracing this solution to reap its benefits. 

If you are looking for a reliable partner to safely deploy enterprise mobility solutions for your businesscontact us today! At NETSOL, we offer various corporate solution development services promising superior results. 

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