The Digital Revolution & Benefits with Cloud Computing as a Service!

The world shifted to cloud computing solutions hastily. The majority of companies faced issues in effectively managing the changes and achieving their business goals. To help them during the struggle, we have listed six different ways they can learn how to manage the revolutionary cloud computing services for their modern businesses.

Cloud computing technology has already taken off, reshaping and evolving businesses across the globe. 94% of all enterprises have shifted to cloud computing, and missing out on it can surely put the performance of an organization at stake.

“Every kid coming out from Harvard or college has a shot of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg with the latest techs like cloud computing.”
– Marc Andreessen, Co-founder of Netscape and General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz


The quote is enough to inspire the next generation. An opportunity to identify their brilliance and take advantage of leading technologies.

Experts in the field accredit cloud computing for its competitive cost reductions, elasticity, incredible flexibility, and optimal resource deployment. Let’s plunge deeper into how cloud computing and its various service models are disrupting the modern business world!

Cloud Computing Service Models – Choose the Right One for your Business

Businesses should consider three types of cloud computing services before proceeding further. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are the essential types.

IaaS is the basic model with a single cloud provider that hosts different infrastructure components. Platform-as-a-service in cloud computing is a step ahead of IaaS, providing software and the tools essential to building applications. In SaaS, the provider hosts and manages the infrastructure for users.

That said, young entrepreneurs should have knowledge pertaining to efficient ways of utilizing the power of cloud computing and harness its strength to achieve their business goals. Did you know that cloud computing uses server virtualization as well? Each server behaves like a unique device when the physical server gets divided into several virtual servers. It can be a profitable opportunity for SMEs and enterprises combined.

Core Benefits of Utilizing the Power of Cloud Computing

Undoubtedly, cloud computing is one of the most significant shifts in how businesses think about IT resources. Today, cloud computing infrastructure validates a wide array of characteristics, bringing valuable advantages to all industries.

Some of the unprecedented benefits of cloud computing, that every business can get access to are:

Cost Management

With cloud computing, businesses can eliminate capital expenses such as purchasing software and hardware and running data centers. Organizations can save their capital from electric needs to power cooling the rack of servers.

Enhanced Productivity

On-site data centers need racking, stacking, and hardware setup, which consumes time. Time is a luxury, so save it from being wasted over petty tasks. Cloud computing solutions eliminate the need for such tasks, guiding the IT department to achieve more in less time.

Better Performance

Cloud computing services run on a global network of data centers that regularly receive up-gradation for efficient working. It is more beneficial than a single corporate data center lacking upgrades and network latency.

Swift Speed

The self-service structure is mostly the base of the majority of the cloud computing services. Therefore, cloud computing can manage a massive amount of computing resources with exceptional speed. It takes a few clicks, allowing businesses to enjoy impressive flexibility with minimal planning.


Suppose you are considering the benefit of using cloud computing in networking? In that case, businesses can backup data, enhance business operations continuity, and recover data in case of disasters. It’s an inexpensive way of managing data at multiple redundant and surplus sites on the cloud’s network.


Cloud providers offer businesses a unique set of policies, controls, and technological pathways that strengthen overall security. Organizations can enjoy highly protected data information and applications and shield infrastructure from latent threats.

The Rise of the Remote Desktop Software Market

It might be puzzling for you to figure out the relation between cloud computing services and the remote desktop software market. Well, there is a relationship!


“It’s encouraging that the decision-makers are still considering the future of complexity and promising flexible working arrangements. We are indeed moving forward to a world demanding the ability to work from anywhere, any time.”

– Alexander Draaijer, General Manager at Splashtop


Cloud computing technology has been around for several years. But it was 2020 that witnessed the phenomenal rise of cloud computing. Businesses moved to the work-from-home model, where the technology proved to be an asset.

Even after the pandemic, most businesses are providing flexible working schedules and remote working facilities. It naturally created a stir in the remote desktop software market. In 2021, the market was worth $1.92 billion. Now it’s expected that by 2029, the market will hit a benchmark of $7.22 billion. It’s a CAGR of 18.0%.

Here is an interesting fact that will shock you!

Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology, changing the dynamics of the industry. But it’s not just being utilized by small and medium-sized enterprises and Fortune 500 companies. Criminals are also part of it.

You heard it right! Criminals use cloud computing services to speed up cyber-attacks. Since cloud computing is fast, the delinquents are utilizing the platform to minimize the time for enterprises to identify these attacks and eliminate them from the start.

But the good news is that with the latest updates, businesses can stop these lawbreakers in their tracks in no time. Cloud computing is changing the world, and innovative companies are already utilizing it to gain an edge over competitors and felons.

The Bottom Line

Businesses are adopting cloud computing at an exponential rate.


“41% of organizations are managing their workload on public cloud platforms like AWS.”



20% are on the public-cloud-based infrastructure, and 22% are running on hybrid cloud platforms.

With IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, businesses can securely manage their cloud needs, changing the future of organizational needs for storage.

Thousands of businesses have already adopted cloud computing. Are you ready to change the future of your business as well? Contact Us now to discuss your project!

Do you want to change the fate of your business? Don’t hesitate and request a demo from us to get a head start!

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