Understand SOEA for Software Architecture

Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture (SOEA) is a methodology for designing and implementing enterprise systems. It offers the system as a loosely-coupled service. SOEA aims to break down complex systems into smaller, more manageable components that can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently. This approach allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and integration with other systems.

Organizations now understand how crucial it is to have fast access to accurate, complete, timely, and relevant information to base critical business decisions. For business workers and stakeholders, timely, adequate access to services and data presently only accessible through dispersed legacy systems is more crucial than ever. Establishing an SOEA with integrated data architecture will considerably increase the organization’s ability to access information supporting various services.

SOEA and Modern Businesses

One of the primary benefits of SOEA is that it enables organizations to align their IT systems with their business goals. By breaking down systems into smaller services, it becomes much easier to understand the relationships between different parts of the organization and how they interact with each other. This helps identify areas where IT systems can be improved to better support the business and identify areas where new services can be developed to support new business initiatives.

SOEA from Different Academician’s Point of View

A definition extracted from multiple writers, Zachman in 1996, Wegmann in 2003, Ross in 2006, and Bernard in 2005, tells us that strategy, business, and information technology (IT) exchanges and articulates, as well as their alignment or congruence, are defined by enterprise architecture (EA). Papazoglou, in 2002 supported this further by stating that with the help of standard interfaces and messaging protocols, service-oriented architecture (SOA) can reorganize a portfolio of previously fragmented software applications and supporting infrastructure into a connected set of services. Chaari, in 2006 shared that to develop open and flexible information systems, SOA might be used.


SOA introduces new concepts when combined with web service platforms such as WSDL (Web Services Description Language), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), etc., that are recognized service-orientation principles across the globe. These technologies significantly augment the characteristics of conventional distributed computing platforms. As a result, service-oriented environments frequently redefine IT.

With SOEA Influx, Business Can Redefine Their Infrastructures

The components of strategy, business, data, and information technology are described by services (i.e., business, software, and technology) and data. To support the enterprise’s strategy and business operations, SOEA must identify and map the business services and data to software and technological services (i.e., IT infrastructure services).

SOEA must adopt SOA concepts at the enterprise level to enable changes in IT development and business process planning, management, and data architecture. Brooks 2009 shared that EA provides a strategy to allow an organization to migrate from its current state to target architecture. The systems that control the SOEA must maintain the design, management, and execution of the required services where distributing processing architectures (such as peer-to-peer, client-server, “N” tier, or cooperative processing) exist.

End Users and SOEA for Software Architecture

To make reusable service components and service definitions available to end users, these services must be able to store them. There must also be an application of service-level agreements that specify the caliber of services agreed upon with end customers.

To improve the delivery of information and services to users, SOEA acknowledges that common standards, languages, and systems that facilitate data processing can be integrated and shared across the organization are essential components. This design style aims to use these prospects for advancement while keeping up with IT communications and system technology developments, which substantially impact how businesses operate to fulfill their goals.

SOEA Ready to Change the Course of Life for IT World

Businesses have realized that “services” are crucial to organizational development. The ability to offer services and gather data together produce practical intelligence and the possibility for the business to seize enormous opportunities.

Integration of technologies such as corporate architectures, internet/intranet/extranets, email, data warehousing, data mining, and workflow/document management is necessary to have the ability to manage knowledge across the firm.

An enterprise typically has data/information stored in both explicit and tacit sources, including documents, databases, human knowledge, and everyday practical experiences.

The main goal of the SOEA’s architecture should be to develop a collaborative environment that provides a heterogeneous environment that encompasses the full range of services and data available, automated elicitation techniques for interoperability, and extensibility support via advanced information analysis.

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